Sunday, November 14, 2021

Starting a new job

Starting a new job can be daunting at the best of times especially when your new job is mainly working from home. It’s weird not being in an office all the time meeting people and having those random conversations you do with your new colleagues but it’s now the world we live in and a lot of people have done it over the last year too so I’m not alone. 

Starting a new job for me is exciting, I like a new challenge and to be out of my comfort zone, but I do always have in the back of my head, I’ll have to tell them I have MS and how do I do that. There’s enough stress starting thinking I hope my team like me/ I hope I’m doing a good job/ I hope I don’t make any mistakes without having to tell them you have MS. 

This time though it was weird because this blog was part of my application. As I work in PR and marketing it made sense to include my blog as evidence of my writing so in one way I didn’t actually have to have that difficult conversation with my manager. 

It was a good way to then start the conversation and I feel like it took the pressure off. Since starting the job I’ve spoke about it when I’ve needed to but not all my team know yet - not because I’m scared I just haven’t been in a situation to tell them. I don’t want to just blurt it out for no reason. 

However I feel really comfortable around them as they’ve made me so welcome and it’s a place of work where there’s no judgement. There’s a group called visABLE which is there for anyone that has a disability in the work place. I thought it would be good group to join as I thought it might help people sharing my story. 

Im looking forward to getting involved in the group and 10 years ago when I was first diagnosed I would have never put myself out there like that but as I’ve got older I’ve realised the more I put myself out there, the more I can help others too.

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