Wednesday, October 10, 2018

It’s okay not to be okay…

Today is #WorldMentalHealthDay something until recently has never been a big thing. I think in the past, people have never realised how important it is - I'll admit I was one of those people...

But when I relapsed earlier this year I realised ‘wow shit’ this mental health malarkey can really affect people, and this is when I realised it’s just as important as your physical health.

I was angry and upset, I didn’t realise at the time, but I was a mess. I didn’t want to get dressed up, I wasn’t bothered about talking to people, I was getting angry over stupid things and I was generally down, but I was trying to be strong so I would never admit that I was struggling.

Then one day I woke up and felt a lot more positive than I had been, so as pathetic as it sounds, I washed my hair put some tan and make up on and went out for a walk with two of my best friends - the littlest thing made me feel 1000 times better. 

You’re not always going to be smiling, even if you’re the richest person in the world but I think it’s important to realise how you feel/act when you’re not okay. I get angry, I go quiet (which is very unusual if you know me) I get upset to the point where someone could say something to me and I would burst into tears. This is when I know I need to take myself away from a situation and do something  I enjoy – the gym is probably my go to place when I feel down.

I’ve always been quite a positive/optimistic person, even when I was diagnosed with MS, I didn’t really think too much into it but at the time I was young and had other things to think of. 2018 has really been an eye opening to me and I’ve now realised just because someone has a smile on their face, doesn’t always mean they are in a good place!

Whether it's a relative, a friend, a GP or a charity like M.I.N.D, there's always someone to talk to even when you think there's not. 

Remember mental health is just as important as your physical health and it’s okay not to be okay - be kind to people because you don't know what's going on behind that smile! 

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