Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The lockdown continues...

What a crazy time! We’re all in limbo and not knowing what’s going on.

I’m furloughed (you know that word no one had ever heard until 2020) and I can’t say I’m hating it. I’m getting time to do loads of different things which I wouldn’t do on a normal holiday from work or a weekend.

So, us lot with MS are vulnerable to this as our immune systems are weak. We have to be super careful, I didn’t actually get a letter from the government say I was on the vulnerable list (which I was quite glad about) but I know I’m not as strong as some people so I am anyway. The only time I’m leaving the house is for exercise once a day, that’s either a walk or run.

Not working is strange… I’ve read books, attempted to learn Spanish, exercised a lot (my Apple watch doesn’t know what has hit it), tidied up a lot (my bathroom has never been so clean), done a lot of quizzes with family and friends, cooked, baked and done some online courses.

Here’s somethings that have helped me through the last few weeks:
·      I’ve set an alarm every morning (trying to make it easier for when I do return to work)
·      Put a bra on every day (girls that one is just for you)
·      Do what you want to do, we’re probably not going to get this time back so if you want to binge watch a TV programme do it – don’t feel guilty about it!
·      Make a to do list everyday – I don’t mean make one so you have to succeed at them all and some of my to do lists have had watch tv on, but it just gives you a bit of structure
·      Talk to people, let out your anger – some days are bloody stressful

Things I’ve learnt from lockdown:
·      No matter how many miles you run, if you eat chocolate every night you don’t lose weight
·      If you add garlic to any dish, it normally is nice
·      You don’t need to have takeaways; you can cook everything possible in the house
·      Some people are just idiots
·      I’ve never visited the Colliery Woods so much (it’s only across the road but before this I’d never been in)
·      Doing a quiz before bed makes me not sleep
·      Work is not life, it’s somewhere you go to make money

While this is all going, I also got a call to tell me my thyroid was overactive (I think I told you all in my last blog)… excellent!

It made sense though, when she explained some of the symptoms, I had some… except the one where you lose weight – god damnit!

The itching, bad skin were the main symptoms I was experiencing and although I didn’t feel fatigued, when I was running my body was but the doctor told me that it was because my body felt like it had already ran a marathon so me trying to run was as if I was running another one!

Although the NHS at this time are under a lot of stress, they got me on tablets straight away and I’m sure they were an illegal drug because now I feel great.

Stay safe guys!